Admission, Withdrawal and Transference of Membership



Admission of membership shall be upon approval of application duly complied with the following procedures (Rules of Society Chapter 4): Submission of Application, Payment of dues and then Acknowledgement of the President.

Types of membership and membership fee (JPY/year) (Rules of Society Chapter 4 & 5)

1) Ordinary (individual): 6,000
2) Corporate (the for-profit company and organization): 9,000
3) Students: 4,000
4) Subscribing (only allowed full access to the journal): 11,000
5) Honorary (rendered eminent services to the Society): -----*1
6) Overseas (ordinary, corporate and student): -----*2
7) Sustaining (to offer support for the Society): 20,000 (/unit) -----*3

*1 Honorary membership does not require payment of dues.
*2 In case of overseas membership, each due shall be increased 20 %.
*3 Print advertising rate of the journal is over 50,000 JPY/year.

The membership fee must be paid in advance.
The payment of membership fee and submission of application have to be duly accomplished in accordance to the admission procedure.
In case of continuing membership, members paying the dues in advance are not required to perform re-admission procedures.
The journal shall be provided from volume 1 of the year of entry after confirming the payment of due.


Candidates have to fill out the application form below by carefully following the instructions then sending it to the Japanese Society of Aquaculture Research by e-mail or post.

[Registration guide]

1. All applications are saved to the database and records are kept in the server of the Society, thus if forms are answered by hand, applicants must fill it out clearly. Moreover, indicated parts must be written in Hurigana or alphabet.
2. Postal code must be written inside the indicated boxes correctly.
3. Affiliation has to be provided with the faculty and department (course and major) of the university or the section and department of the company.
4. Higher education has to include the information on the final academic background (i.e., school name and year degree was obtained). Graduate students (master’s and doctoral students) have to indicate their course and curriculum, and undergraduate students have to indicate the name of their university and grade. In case of student membership, the name, occupation, and contact details of his/her supervisor have to be provided.
5. Type of membership, gender, and contact details (delivery address of journal) should be provided.
6. The fiscal year of the Society is March to February. The entry year has to be given in the indicated column.

(Note) If there are changes in your personal information (e.g., affiliation and contact details), please notify the Society by post, fax or e-mail, immediately.

Contact Details:
Japanese Society of Aquaculture Science,
c/o Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University
Bunkyo 1-14, Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan

You can download the application form here.

Form (individual)(Microsoft Word / 47KB)
Form (individual)(PDF / 71KB)
Form (Corporate)(Microsoft Word / 29KB)
Form (Corporate)(PDF / 91KB)

Payment of membership fee and remittance method

The Society shall send a payment slip of membership fee after confirming the registration. Please make payments through bank transfer to the Japan Post Bank account below. If payment is made through automatic withdrawal system (ATM), please contact the Society.

Bank account of the society "Japan Post Bank"

Payee Account Number: 02290-9-142608
Payee Address: 1-14 Bunkyo-Machi, Nagasaki-Shi, Nagasaki 852-8131, Japan
Payee Telephone Number: 095-819-2834
How to send money to "Japan Post Bank", website in English

Withdrawal and tranference procedures

Changes in personal details must be informed to the Society as soon as possible. Unless there is a request for withdrawal of application, membership will be continued. The member shall only be terminated membership in observance to following rules:

[Rules for withdrawal]
The membership shall be withdrawn from the Society based on following rules:
1. Submission of an application for withdrawal to the society. In case of student membership, failure to be renewed every year.
2. Death or dissolution of registered company.
3. Expulsion from the society.

1. Failure of member to pay membership fee for 3 years.
2. An expected member to be expelled shall receive the notice of expulsion.
3. An expelled member who fails to pay their membership fee shall be restored upon clearance of membership fee within a month after notification.
4. Expulsion of a member shall be decided upon by the board of councilors.
5. To restore membership, an expelled member has to make payment of dues and then has to submit the covenant of membership with application form.
6. According to the preceding laws, an expelled member can be re-admitted to the Society based on deliberate decision done by the board of councilors.

All the previous rules have been applied to the society since April 3, 2002.
Revision at March 28, 2007.

[Withdrawal form]
You can download the withdrawal form here.
Please fill in the required fields and send them to the Secretariat by e-mail attachment, fax, or mail.
Withdrawal form(Microsoft Word / 40KB)
Withdrawal form(PDF / 38KB)

Top of page

About "Aquaculture Science"

Link to J-STAGE All articles from volume 1 (1953) to the recent 1 year are now available in pdf files at J-stage !!

Titles and authors of the latest one-year papers not yet published in J-stage

Instruction for authors At least the first and/or corresponding author must be the subscribed member of Japanese Society for Aquaculture Science

Admission Guide

About the Society, Constitution and Organization


Japanese Society for Aquaculture Science (JSAS)
[General Administration Office]
c/o Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University
Bunkyo 1-14, Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan

[Editorial Committee]
c/o Institute for East China Sea Research, Nagasaki University
Taira-machi 1551-7, Nagasaki 851-2213, Japan

copyright 2005 Japanese Society for Aquaculture Science, all rights reserved.